July 11, 2012

Day 11 - A Break From Camping

Can't miss Doug's
I left Princeton on 3 where it followed a fantastic and gentle hill down along the side of a river in a scenic valley for I believe 30 km or so. It was light pedaling and a cool breeze the entire time. I eventually came across a giant 30 foot tall cowboy with a belt reading "Pepperoni champ". This was Doug's Homestead deli. I figured I'd rolled down that slope long enough to warrant a break (it was also almost 40° again) so I stepped inside and got some of their famous jerky and a cold drink. The jerky was so good I went back and got another $10 as well as 4 sausages (two types of which I can't recall but they are delicious) before I left.

From here it was gradual hills, nothing serious, through hot dry valley farm lands and eventually into Keremeos. I parted ways with the 3 and took the hilly 3a to a climb just before yellow lake that got me overheating. At the top I cooled off at the lake where I spotted some geese, something I believe was a muskrat, and even a turtle!

From here the 3a met up with 97 and I cruised along the scenic Skaha lake with a nice view of all the luxurious houses along the shore. The 97 ran along the lake and into Penticton where the north end of the lake has an amazing beach but I had little time to stop so I pressed on. I took a bike path north along side the airport. Here there is an aqueduct that people lazily drift down in tubes.

Up the trail a ways I encountered a deer just grazing on some bushes, not too concerned about the people passing it by. One guy with a pit bull came within a few feet but it didn't seem to care. I worked my way north out of Pentiction and along 97 beside the Okanogan river following excellent directions given to me by Ron, a contact I had made through warmshowers. I would be staying at his place in Summerland for the night.

I found his house with ease and set to unpacking and cleaning up. Ron is an interesting fellow and I'll go into more detail tomorrow. Suffice it to say I was warmly greeted, fed some great food, given access to a much needed shower, and had a nice sleep in a cool basement.

Big chew!