After yesterday I had to get some km put in so I was up and gone at 7am and happy to find the weather was nice with a strong wind blowing my way. I put 50 km behind me in little time and turned off onto Lee Valley road for a slightly shorter route to Manitoulin Island. The road was very bumpy and in somewhat poor conditions but had hardly any cars using it. It cuts through quiet farm lands for a very peaceful ride. I found something very nice on the side of the road, but until I get home and figure out who owns it I won't go into too much detail.
Lee Valley road lead me into the town of Espanola where I stopped for groceries and ran into Henry again. At this point I had gone 85 km with only 450m of climbing so the land was fairly flat up until this point. Leaving town I had to turn south onto 6 to get down to Manitoulin where the hills suddenly begin and the terrain gets very similar to that of Newfoundland.
The road snakes its way down into the Island which unfortunately for me turned the wind that had been at my back all day into a brutal headwind that made progress difficult. I ended up taking a long break at a wide part of the road they use for the snow plows to turn around in the winter. The wind didn't let up by the time I started again so I trudged along at times getting slowed down to 10 kph on flat ground from the brutal winds. I spotted quite a few massive birds that I believe were Turkey Vultures soaring in place in the wind.
After 15k of wind in my face I arrived in Little Current and found an abandoned field that looked like it was used by horses on occasion with a viewing area off to its side that had a roof. The clouds looked like they would be bringing rain so I set up under the little shack and stayed the night. Tomorrow I'm hoping to make it to the early ferry that will take me across Lake Huron to Tobermory.