Must have rained a bit last night. I left the door open on my fly tarp for some dumb reason and my shoes got soggy. That made for an uncomfortable 40 km until I took a break to change socks and dry shoes.
I left Dryden before the couple did and just outside town saw a deer crossing the road get hit by a car. It flew a good ways but got up and ran away afterwards. Still a bit sad to see.
The wind was in my face and roads their usual Ontario hilliness It was surprisingly chilly the morning and grey skies threatened with rain or worse. It was mostly woods and the odd house here and there. I see a lot of dreary marshes that remind me of Newfoundland.
The couple met me at a break area on side the highway at 40 km and we debated waiting or going as a lot of people were warning us of storms to the east. After a bit of lingering we decided to set off and the clouds parted to let the sun in. We met another cyclists not far from our stop who's name is Jenny. She has been biking a winding route from Victoria BC to various places all around for the past 3 months and plans to finish in Newfoundland.
The 4 of us went on and stopped in Ingace to eat a nice communal dinner of steak and salad. We eventually set up camp behind the community center (which forbids camping).
We actually had another cyclist stop in named Quinn which the couple had met in Dryden so he'll be camping here as well and tomorrow we will all make our way towards Thunder Bay, tho I'm not sure I'll make it there until Sunday.