August 16, 2012

Day 47 - Just Rain

I was up early to the sound of rain battering my tent, so I went back to sleep. I ended up lazing around until 1pm until the rain died down. As soon as I got everything out of the tent and half packed it started pouring again.

I left town and dealt with more rain than not for the short distance I went today. Luckily the shoulders on the highway were generous so I wasn't too bothered by the traffic. In Blind River I was able to dry my tent and some clothes at a laundromat and further up the road I met another cyclist named Henry who was going from Thunder Bay to Toronto.

Twenty more kilometers out of Blind River the weather stayed wet so I decided to call it a day with only 45 km traveled and found an abandoned baseball field with a nice shelter built behind it to put my tent under. Tomorrow will be drier hopefully and I'll make it to Manitoulin Island.