I slept in a bit and woke up to the groundskeeper mowing the grass around my tent. He didn't seem to care I was there so I wasn't too concerned about it. When I went to retrieve my light in the little building it was gone! Someone had taken both the plug to USB charging piece and light! This has left me with no way to charge any of my gear on outlets until I buy another USB plug and likely no way at all to charge my back light. Fortunately I picked up two extra back lights in Toronto that run on batteries and attach to each pannier so my ass is quite literally covered.
I tried asking the groundskeeper about the light with little luck. I showed him my back light and he didn't seem to react so I guess my front light is gone. For someone to rob that out of a little religious building painted in pictures of missing people seems a bit ironic but what can ya do? I should be able to continue riding at night by using my headlamp for the time being.
The ride today was as great as yesterday with fantastic shoulders for safe travel along with sparse traffic and beautiful weather across the peaceful farm lands. In no time I had rode into evening and hunger crept up on me so I took a chance at another poutine with a side of coffee which turned out to be great (no post poutine issues this time haha). I also discovered you can get french girls to say anything! Just say parlez vous francais and pick something at random. Parlez vous francais "Lonely cyclist?" haha... I had a nice discussion with the store owner about my trip and set off to put in a few more kilometers while the coffee was working.
The night sky was free from clouds and the moon shone through so well that I could often turn my headlamp off entirely and ride by the light of the moon without much worry. A good 30 km or so of riding in the dark put me by a public rest stop / picnic area which make for great camping spots (if you don't mind ignoring the no camping signs) with washrooms that have running water and tables to eat at. It is here I'll set down for the night in a quiet corner out of sight.