The 138 detoured at one point and I saw two other cyclists ignore it so I decided I'd do the same only to come to an impassible half built bridge. We all sort of laughed about it when we ran into each other at the end and I decided I would find my own way around this mess. I wandered back and around to the side of the bridge and pushed across a muddy stream and over some train tracks and eventually onto the other side for some traffic free riding for a short time.
Eventually the farms ceased and Quebec City rolled up over the horizon. I didn't really plan ahead on what route I'd take through the city so I sort of just wandered along the least busy streets I could find and eventually looped around towards the bridge to cross the St. Lawrence.
I found myself on the road that crosses the bridge and had to wait for a break in traffic to hoist my bike over a guard rail to get on the pedestrian path. You typically don't want to ride out on the road across any decent sized bridge. The path was maybe 4 feet wide and used by people going both ways so I had to stop to let other cyclists and the occasional pedestrian by which gave me a lot of time to enjoy the fantastic view.
On the south side of the St. Lawrence I was treated to a great bike path that ran right along the shore line and granted an amazing view of the city across the river. There were tons of people out enjoying the beautiful evening as the sun slowly set over the city painting the sky in orange and blue. I pushed on as evening turned into night at the 90 km mark and the city gave way to quiet roads and farm lands. Long stretches of road winded between massive farms and the darkness was pierced only by the light of the moon. Perfect.
At 130 km I found a paid camping area but after a little loop through the area I decided to pass and keep going into the night. I eventually found myself closing in on Montmagny where the St. Lawrence started to show off its growing width in the moon light. Before I hit the main strip of town I found a nice little area off the road inhabited by a few trees and a lonely sign advertising something in french I would never understand. I guess it may be a plot of land for sale for commercial use, but for tonight it will be my secret little home.