Crossed into Manitoba today where the shoulders and cellphone service immediately ended. Everything is flat and hot and the winds are being a pain. We crossed a timezone as well so we lose another hour.

We stopped and stayed in a small town called Pipestone. While outside their convenience store I heard a cat yelping and it sounded distressed. What I found was a small white kitten about 4 feet up in a bush looking for a way out. When I set him down he immediately glued himself to me and followed us down the road to the ballpark where we stayed the night.

Deb fed him some tuna and Carlin was reminded of an old Presidents of the United States song. I decided Charcoal was a good name but settled with Coal. When we turned in for the night I left a part of my door open but of course Coal kept trying to walk through the mesh. He is sleeping soundly in a corner now, and I shall do the same.