July 08, 2012

Day 8 - Wash & Recharge

Harrison Hot Springs
Left the church yard and continued down 7. Passed the Sasquatch Inn about 5 km later which was filled to the brim with noisy motorcycles and leather clad bikers. Probably a good choice to skip that place for camping.

My knee was feeling alot better and I felt once again like I could complete this trip. I saw am unusual amount of cyclists on the road and discovered they were doing a marathon fundraiser. A fellow at one of their stops flagged me down and we chatted about bikes and touring and I got a free banana out of it!

From here I sort of accidentally turned north onto 9 and ended up at the Harrison hot springs. With the temperature around 35 degrees this was a great place to be. The water was shockingly refreshing and I'm sorry to say I hadn't bathed in about a week.

Beautiful snow caps and 40° weather
Feeling cool and clean I headed back down to the 7 and rode to Hope where I paid for my first place to stay on the campgrounds you see just as you enter the small town. Things were going great and tomorrow I plan to put a lot of kilometers in going down 3, the Crowsnest highway.

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