August 15, 2012

Day 46 - Mennonite Country

I said goodbye to the Cuddy's this morning after a big breakfast and grabbed two spare tubes in the old downtown district of town. I checked out the bridge that connects Canada to the USA and talked with a strange guy who had actually ran into the other cyclist I met a while back (guy with the trailer). Small world.

Coming out of town I ran into two other cyclists going from Calgary to Toronto. I would run into them a few times today. Saw lots of giant things. A giant table, giant loonie, and giant Newfie chair (that's what I call them at least).

The roads were flat for most of the trip with a few farms and the occasional Mennonite driving a horse and carriage. I came across a closed camp ground and was poking around for a spot out of view when the two other cyclists passed by on the road.

I caught up to them only to find they were staying at a camp grounds and paying $15 each. When I told them I had spent about $65 total in camping fees the last month and a half they were floored. They had been staying on paid camp grounds every night and it was costing them a small fortune.

I left them to find a spot somewhere further up the road. A church looked good but the nearby graveyard spooked me, so after tangling a bungee chord in my spokes and nearly wrecking everything I found a school with a massive yard and camped there for the night.

1 comment:

  1.'s not the dead that you have to worry the saying goes. Patricia
